Create a Vibrant Soulful New Year

What do you wish for in the upcoming new year? Follow this 3-day process to find your vision and a clear soulful guideline for yourself.

Day One:
Take some fresh sheets of paper, make yourself your favorite drink and sit down in your favorite place. Answer the following questions:

  1. What have been your most precious moments in the last year? What have been the times you felt amazing, vibrant and alive? Write down a minimum of 10 wonderful moments, even small joyous moments count.

  2. How exactly did you feel in those moments?

  3. What do those moments have in common?

Day Two:
Take some fresh sheets of paper, make yourself your favorite drink and sit down in your favorite place. Answer these questions:

  1. How do you want to be and to feel next year? Take your time, the more precise you get here, the more you will get out of this exercise.

  2. What would you like to experience?

  3. How would you need to grow to experience what you envision for yourself? What do you need to let go of? What do you need to learn?

If you feel stuck and can't envision a vibrant future for yourself: dance or go for a walk in nature and listen to your heart. I love to go to places that rise high above my surroundings, like a mountain or a high rise.

Day Three:
Take yesterday's notes and your calendar for the next year, make yourself your favorite drink and sit down in your favorite place. Answer this question:

  1. What do you need to do to feel the way you would love to feel in the upcoming year?

  2. Schedule these actions into your new calendar.

  3. Is there something you should do on a daily basis to stay aligned (dancing, meditation, bodywork) or acquire a new skill? Plan that into your daily routine.

I wish you an amazing new year full of magnificence, love, dreams and fulfillment!