Pussy yoga pracTitioner in Hirschau, germany
Renate is a certified physiotherapist, alternative practitioner and sexologist, with a deep curiosity about the body and its movements. Fascinated by bellydance since age 16, Renate completed the ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher training in 2020 and became a certified PUSSY YOGA™ Practitioner in 2023. She has also studied integrative dance pedagogy, yoga and functional neurotherapy.
Renate loves to share the excitement of self-discovery with her clients. Through her extensive and specialized experience, she offers a wide variety of therapy and counselling in her private practice and online. This includes pelvic floor therapy, internal examination & therapy (vaginal/anorectal), birth preparation/recovery, pessary adjustments, breathing therapy, relaxation techniques, functional neurotherapy, and much more.
“PUSSY YOGA provides an experience of pelvic floor anatomy in your own body. It never stops being exciting! There is so much to discover.”
“Through PUSSY YOGA, you learn to move uniquely from your own center, and come to know yourself from the inside out.”
Renate Häring
Heilpraktikerin / Physiotherapeutin / Sexologin
Georg-Schiffer-Str. 22, 2. Stock
92242 Hirschau
+49 (0) 171 / 2169799
Facebook: Privatpraxis Häring
Instagram: renate.haering
LinkedIn: Renate Häring