Pussy yoga pracTitioner in Hirschau, germany
Renate is a certified physiotherapist, alternative practitioner and sexologist, with a deep curiosity about the body and its movements. Fascinated by bellydance since age 16, Renate completed the ESSENCE OF BELLYDANCE™ teacher training in 2020 and became a certified PUSSY YOGA™ Practitioner in 2023. She has also studied integrative dance pedagogy, yoga and functional neurotherapy.
Renate loves to share the excitement of self-discovery with her clients. Through her extensive and specialized experience, she offers a wide variety of therapy and counselling in her private practice and online. This includes pelvic floor therapy, internal examination & therapy (vaginal/anorectal), birth preparation/recovery, pessary adjustments, breathing therapy, relaxation techniques, functional neurotherapy, and much more.
Renate Häring
Heilpraktikerin / Physiotherapeutin / Sexologin
Georg-Schiffer-Str. 22, 2. Stock
92242 Hirschau
+49 (0) 171 / 2169799
Facebook: Privatpraxis Häring
Instagram: renate.haering
LinkedIn: Renate Häring