Pelvic Floor Exercise for Confidence

Let’s rotate those pelvic bones

Join me for another super quick Pelvic Floor Integration Exercise that you can practice anywhere! This time you will learn to rotate your pelvic bones. Yes, that is possible :)

Pelvic Floor Integration Benefits

Pelvic Floor Integration trains the pelvic floor holistically and dynamically to keep it fit and naturally integrated as the center of your musculoskeletal system. Your vagina becomes fit, long, lean, strong and sensitive in a powerful way. In addition, all your female organs and bladder get a natural lifting.

The exercises help your vagina to function naturally during sex, provide good blood circulation and a better neural connection to the brain, which is essential for good sex and fulfilling orgasms.

Research* shows that women who enjoy a fulfilled orgasmic sexuality live a more fulfilling life. They express their creativity, are more decisive, and have more drive to achieve their goals. They are less likely to be manipulated, but they also have a greater capacity for compassion and love.

If this sounds like you (or the woman you want to become), check out my signature Sensuous Dance Program

But Pelvic Floor Integration can do much more than that.

Woman in white sports bra with abs looking relaxed in tropical setting

A well-trained pelvic floor for better health and stress resilience

It actively integrates your pelvic floor into your natural movement as it has been optimized by evolution. And that's not just a much better approach for your love life, but for everything else too. Our whole body becomes naturally aligned, our posture straightens up from the inside and our movements become more effective and graceful. You'll notice it right away in sports, shopping sprees, extended museum visits, effortless stair climbing and at your desk.

Recent studies* show that a well-trained pelvic floor leads to greater psychological health and stress resilience. People with a strong pelvic floor have a greater ability to master difficult life situations and deal with traumatic experiences. Are you ready to strengthen your pelvic floor?

*References to scientific studies and research are listed in my book and will be listed here shortly.

P.S. try my 4 minutes 30-second dance break for when you need a quick burst of energy or want to feel an extra confidence boost!

Coco Berlin sensuous dance program course on a computer screen mockup

Master your pelvic floor step by step

Start to feel incredibly sensuous in your body. Enjoy getting lean, flexible and strong from head to toe. Activate your pelvic floor and your feminine power.

Free your body, mind and soul.