Pelvic floor exercises for better sex
By now, it’s not a secret anymore that Pussy Yoga and Pelvic Floor Integration™ help you to have more and better orgasms. But it’s not only because we do pelvic floor exercises in the most effective way, our particular sensuous approach has its own proven benefits.
Studies have shown that women who manage to immerse themselves in their sensual sensations during sex and surrender completely to feeling, find it easier to reach orgasm.*
As you focus more and more on feeling, you’ll notice that, from a certain point in time, your sensations, and feelings will carry you away. An experience of letting go and losing control is essential for fulfilled sexuality. On paper, that sounds quite enchanting, but loss of control is something many women fear. If, for example, we experienced being at the mercy of our parents or teachers when we were children, we can have a need for total control of our experience. *
Trust in your body and its wisdom
To fully enjoy sex and become orgasmic, we must first let go of orgasm as a goal, focusing entirely on our feelings and enjoying the path without knowing the goal. Every time you trust in your body and its wisdom while making love, your brain strengthens those new neural pathways, so inevitably you learn to move more and more toward a sensual orgasm. But the orgasm itself is always a gift. To experience it and feel fully satisfied, it can only be allowed, never forced.
See your sensual life as a practice to go deeper and deeper in your sensuous awareness and embodiment.
How does it feel when your partner strokes your back? How does your partner's body feel on your skin? Surrender completely to the experience. Sense and savor every moment. And don’t worry if images flash through your head or if you keep thinking of the office. As in meditation, notice the thoughts, and then turn back to feeling. Getting annoyed about your thoughts only distracts you from the present moment.
Most likely, you’ll reach an orgasm this way, but even if you don’t, this practice pays off: Half an hour in this state of feeling and ever more feeling will bring you greater relaxation and more intimacy with your partner than if you got your partner off with your standard tricks, leaving nothing for yourself.
Expanding your capacity for sensing and feeling
Having relaxed into sensation, you’ll feel like you’ve had a deep connection, a good massage or meditation session at the very least, and at best, you’ll experience a mind-blowing orgasm. In any case, your partner will enjoy a sensual and sexy lover. In the orgasm-hunting scenario, you probably won’t feel satisfied, and you’ll blame yourself or your partner for “just not being good in bed”. You may even question your relationship.
How can you train yourself to feel more? By practicing and allowing new pathways in your nervous system to form.
To expand your capacity for sensing & feeling, as well as to strengthen your pelvic floor connection, join me for my Sensuous Dance Program.
Sensuous Dance with Coco Berlin
Feel incredibly sensuous in your body.
* Pussy Yoga footnote 71: Vincent B. van Hasselt, Michel Hersen: Sourcebook of psychological treatment manuals for adult disorders, S. 348–351, New York 1996
* Pussy Yoga footnote 72: Stefanie Stahl: Das Kind in dir muss Heimat finden, München 2015
How did you, as a young woman who had never been pregnant, start thinking about your pelvic floor?